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I am a scientist with a passion about new challenges. I have worked extensively with proteins from bacteria and eukaryotic parasites. I was always fascinated with the mechanistic details of protein function and coming up with ways to optimise expression, purification schemes, setting up assays to reconstitute their function and discover small molecules that can modify them.

Currently I am trying to dissect the biogenesis of cell wall in bacteria. The cell wall is one of the hallmarks of bacterial cells. It is a very robust structure that helps bacteria to maintain their shape, regulates their division and allows them to invade and colonize our body. Many of our most successful antibiotics target proteins that maintain the bacterial cell wall, thus causing its disruption and eventually cell death.

I want to discover the mechanisms proteins use to construct the bacterial cell wall for two reasons; understand how these remarkable creatures operate; and figure out new ways to combat the ones that infect us causing morbidity and mortality.



Protein Production and Purification

Optimisation of expression and purification of homologous and heterologous proteins in E.coli.

2008-2013 Ph.D. in Protein Biochemistry

Biology, University of Crete & IMBB FoRTH, Greece

Protein Secretion

I have contributed in the understanding of the mechanisms cells use to secrete proteins through their cytoplasmic membrane. My main focus was the ubiquitous and essential Sec secretion system.


Dissecting the mechanisms of function of bacterial cells.

Drug Discovery

Currently working on early drug discovery against human and animal trypanosomatid parasites, like Trypanosome brucei, T. cruzi, T. vivax, T. congolense and Leishmania donovani.

2006-2008 M.Sc. in Protein Biotechnology

University of Crete & IMBB FoRTH, Greece 

2002-2006 B.Sc. in Biology

University of Crete, Greece 


  • Light Scattering University (MALS), Organised by Wyatt Technology, Dernbach, Germany (13-15 May 2014)

  • Computational Tools: Modelling Multi-molecular Assemblies and Protein Design, Organised by the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (02-06 September 2012).


Health and Safety Training

  • Basic Course in Radiation Protection in Research and Teaching with Application-Module A, University of Edinburgh, U.K.

  • Radioactive Tracers-Module B, University of Edinburgh, U.K.

  • Closed Sources and X-Ray Analysis-Module C, University of Edinburgh, U.K.



English (Professional Proficiency), Greek (Native speaker), Dutch (Receptive Basic Knowledge).


Characterisation of the immune-modulating effects of circulating soluble Major Histocompatibility Class II molecules in mammals.

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